RLB Strategy LLC | Strategic Marketing Solutions

Virtual 360 Experiences

New normal. New reality. New scene.

 Virtual 360 Experiences

The impact of the new normal has been the catalyst for virtual pivots to product launches, business gatherings, conferences and events -- it has informed how we continue to live and work as we grow business and relationships. Together with client partners, event production agencies have reimagined their role and adopted best practices to connect and produce events and experiences, virtually. 

Marrying the online and offline shopping experience, the physical store is replicated through live chatbots and pulsating hotspots within the virtual platform to guide the consumer across a dynamic and engaging shopping experience.

Executives will also need to shift slightly - relying less on a deck of slides - now focusing primarily on the human element that needs re-tooling in order for a speaker to “own” a virtual room. We have a selection of training modules that can be tailored to the individual executive -- all designed to help capture the audience’s attention and keep it throughout their time on screen. 

Click on brand names below to view virtual brand demo.